Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Respecting myself

At Ramarama school, on of the most important rules is to respect yourself,Which is very true. If you don't believe you can do anything, you won't. You'll just end up being a middle-aged person with no friends, sitting in your apartment eating oreos all day. And I know oreos are quite nice, bute I really don't think you would want that.

In the form of respecting myself, You must have a dream or a goal that you can fufill. My dream is to play cricket for New Zealand or Australia. To do that, not only do I have to keep practising and getting better, But I have to respect myself. to do that I must believe in myself, I must ack myself. I can't just give up after saying; this is hopeless I suck at cricket, I'll never make it so why bother, because then it will DEFINITELY never happen.

Respect yourself, and keep trying.


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