Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Winter Olympics

I really like the winter olympics, my favourite sport is probably the skeleton or the ice hockey
mr mcneil told us to write about a sport we wanted to do in the winter olyimpics and i would do the ski jumping it cool mj

Hello Zane here my dream is to be a famous rugby or league player to chase i am going train hard, go for runs and ethier play for da Blues or the Broncos !

Cya later aligator:]

Winter Olympics

Hey im kate and i have been watching the winter olympics and my favourite one is the Figure Skating and also the luge.

i want to become a olympic swimmer and a olympic dancer.

I have got to go so Bye

Daisy and Elanor's Favourite Winter Sport in 100 Words

Elanor's and Daisy's favourite sport in the Winter Olympics is the Figure Skating. It is so fun to watch. We like figure skating because they do amazing flips and twirls that we definetely couldn't do. The music is really cool as well. Elanor's favourite skating team is Canada's team you danced to Michael Jackson's song Everybody Dance Now. It was very funny and most enjoyable. Also we enjoyed watching America's young girl (sorry we can't remember her name) do some outstanding spins. So thank you for reading our blog post and we hope you enjoyed reading it and enjoy your day. Bye.

Eva's Oylimpic Blog


My Dream

One of our school rules, is to Respect Myself.
I have a lot of dreams, so I will tell you one of them.

My dream, is to go to the Olympics or the Commonwealth games for Swimming. The reasons why is because I am really good at swimming. I want to compete against other people in the sport I like. I practise swimming every Saturday, as I do swimming lessons.

I am in the Bronze Squad,as I am nearly on top, the next level is Silver, then its Gold. After that I will practise even more. In the Silver squad, I will learn how to do the Butterfly stroke. I find that the hardest stoke of them all. stroke.

But I will never know until I try it, because I could actually be good at it.
one of the school rules here at ramarama school is to respect ourselves so i am going to write about it. one of my dreams is to own an airline company ,to do this i am going to keep saving hard and hopefuly one day i can buy myself a private jet and work my way up to the top if i do get there i will call it true kiwi air and there will be reasonable prices but a grand experience. eather that or i want to be filthy rich

be a graffiti artist and do art all around the world.

Respecting myself

At Ramarama school, on of the most important rules is to respect yourself,Which is very true. If you don't believe you can do anything, you won't. You'll just end up being a middle-aged person with no friends, sitting in your apartment eating oreos all day. And I know oreos are quite nice, bute I really don't think you would want that.

In the form of respecting myself, You must have a dream or a goal that you can fufill. My dream is to play cricket for New Zealand or Australia. To do that, not only do I have to keep practising and getting better, But I have to respect myself. to do that I must believe in myself, I must ack myself. I can't just give up after saying; this is hopeless I suck at cricket, I'll never make it so why bother, because then it will DEFINITELY never happen.

Respect yourself, and keep trying.


Student Leaders

Hi, What I look for a student leader, is someone that is respectful, caring, helping people,supportive and everything.
The people who are running are Kate,Katie,Clifford,Tim,Jayden,Daisy,Michael and Jordan! I can't decide who to vote for!

thanks for reading


hello ,
room 7 had a blast at the 1883 bush cam.


hello jayden here our class went on a trip to arataki ranges on a bush trip it was great fav part was lighting the fire it took a lot of skill and was reall hot have a great day
Hi my name is michael and at the moment we are running for student leaders. We have to      ooh by the way Elanor and daisy said hi anyway we have to do all of this stuff and at the moment we have to put al of these posters out       

hi jayden

bush camp 1883

hello there,

room 7 went on a bush camp as we had to act as 1883 bushman.

we had to make griddle scones and billy tea.

we made bivouacs and we did the 2 man pit saw and cross cut.

as we got there we had to have morning tea we had to make our own
nap sacks at home.

we had a blast as we did lots of exciting and enjoyable things.

we all enjoyed going and that we all wish that we could all go back one day.

we had to make a fire the way they did in 1883 it was a fun time as we had to use wood,twigs and a candle.only group one got to start the fire the way that they in 1883 as group 2 didn't.

the scones were a delight as we didn't do them in the oven we had to do them on a pan and cook them from the fire that we had make.

the billy tea was hot but nice.
we had to put boiling water and place over the fire we had made.

it was a great day..

thanks so much,



Hi my name is katie and i go to Ramarama .Room 7 went on a trip to the Arataki Ranges we were acting as bushmen and going back in time to 1883.It was a hard day i was hot and sweaty.When we were there we made girdle scones we did logging, sawing,pulled a winch up a hill and built a bivouac.What a great day i thought.

Im trying out to be a student leader.I think i would be a rolemodel in my sports and leadership,im responsible and friendly.Fair and kind.Helpfuland nice.At the moment everyone has got a poster up.Later on we will be saying a speech on why we want to be a student leader in front of most of the school.Then later on they will be saying on who is a student leader.
see ya guys later.hahaha


Right now

At the moment 8 people are running for student leader their names are Clifford, Jordan, Kate, Tim, Jayden, Daisy, Michael, and Katie. They have put pictures of them on classroom windows, and the playground.
What i look for in a student leader is responsibility, respect and someone who supports people.


Student Leaders at Ramarama

Student leaders at our school are like prefects at other schools. They can do things that normal students can't. The current people that are running for student leaders are Clifford,Kate, Tim, Jayden, daisy, Michael, and katie. As well as me. To become a student leader, you must be nominated by another student and teacher. Then you need to put up posters, because as of now you are currently campaigning for student leader.On most of the campaigning posters, there are messages that basically say: vote for me, because i'm better than you. But on MY posters, I have things that people might find funny, like the picture of me strangling my brothers, then an arrow that says, wait thats only the fun side of me. then there is a nice picture.
On Tuesday, we all have to give a speech as to why we should be voted for. Then the student leaders are elected
Thanks for listening.


A School trip!

On Thursday the 25th of February, Room 7 went on a school trip. We had a range of Fun and Hardworking activities.
We got to make and eat grittle scones, they were yum!
We mixed all the ingredients in to mini triangles and we also cooked them over an open fire.
The ingredients were wholemeal flour, butter and milk plus other things.

We also learn't how to do a wreath knot.

This trip, was in the Arataki Rangers! ><>. We also had to keep a fire going, and the other group learn't how to make a fire. We also made Bivouacs!


1883 Bushcamp and Student Leader

Hey everybody i'm Kate and i go to Ramarama school. Room 7 went on a School trip to Bobs Bush camp on the 25th of February and it was in the Arataki Rangers.

We did lots of activities. My best one was making Griddle Scones. Our other activities were Bivouac Building and Two man sawing. It was a really good day and i would do it again.

At the moment some of the year 8 students are trying out for Student Leader and we are currently campaining at the moment.I am currently trying out for Student Leader and it is really hard and i hope i get it. We are doing Posters to advertise ourself.

So i hope you look at our blog.

Thanks have a great day

Em's Bob's Bush Camp recount

hey its em writing. on thursday 25th feb. 2019, room 7 went to the Arataki: Bob's Bush Camp. it was so awesome. we had to dress up as 1883 bushmen and when we go there we did activities like using the 'matilda' to winch up the boogie, which held the logs, pit sawing, where one person stood above on the platform and someone else stood below in a pit and they sawed, which made a log into long planks, we also did two-man sawing with Tom (real name: Dennis), griddle scone making and cooking them with butter in a pan over a fire with Mrs. Hawthorn the cook (Sarah), (the other group had already made 3 fires for our and the other group) which we ate with homemade plum or strawberry jam and butter . we also did bivouac building with Miss Mable (Joan). first we made little 'tepees' with 3 smallish sticks, well, not sticks but log sticks and tied them with rope. she also taught us reef knots which i knew. we then made bigger versions with a canvas on top. our one was obviously the best! nah, but ours was pretty good, one of the top 1.
Well that is a short recount of our 2010 bush camp.



hello my name is Jayden and at the moment im running 4 student leader roll at school and it is really hard i hope i make it.If you make student leader it is a really important to do what you promis to ur followers sooo yea thanks 4 reading have a good day

Monday, February 22, 2010

10 Reasons Why You Should Go To Ramarama School

Hello everybody! My name is Elanor. I hope you have a good time browsing our website. I enjoy it. Anyway, I am here to announce 10 reasons why you should go to Ramarama School.

Number 10... School events. Every year we do a Calf Club Day and a Flower Show day. It is so fun. And sometimes we do school picnics on weekends. It is so fun!

Number 9... Sports. I love hockey and my dream is to be a Black Stick when I grow up. And I have only missed 2 E.C.C.S (EastCountiesCountriesSport) that I can think of. We do swimming, softball, cricket, hockey, touch, soccer, tennis, table tennis, T-ball, badminton etc. It is a blast!

Number 8... Teachers. At every school there is a bad teacher. You always get the grumpy person who tells you to get your hair out of your eyes or complains that your R's somehow look like S's when doing handwriting. But we are the exception :) All the teachers are lovely and they actually understand you. Mrs Mackereth is one of the nicest people that I've ever met. And they are fun and always have a good story to tell.

Number 7... Bullying. I have only had one really serious bullying problem and I've been at this school for five years. Everyone is respectful at this school, and and even if they don't like another person, they don't be mean to them. I enjoy going to class and not being teased about my reddish hair (yeah Jordan, Michael, Jayden...) and it really makes my day when people say nice things about me.

Number 6... Cost. For such a successful school, it is extremely surprising that the cost is so low. If you live in the Manukau region or up in Pukekohe, you only have to do a 10-15 minute drive, or a 15-20 minute drive if the traffic is bad. And most people actually bike or walk to school. I car pull with my friend, which really makes a difference to the cost of gas. Plus, the trips, stationary, uniforms, and work is really cheap.

Number 5... Trips.We go on school trips all the time, If it is for E.C.C.S (East Counties Country Sport) or for the study or our term topic. Some people think that all we do is muck around and not do anything, but it is exactly the opposite. WE learn heaps in a fun and positive way.

Number 4 ... FUN!!! I have heaps of friends at Ramarama School. Also the teachers teach in a friendly way, trying to make learning as fun as possible. And it works (except for maths. I hate maths)!

Number 3... Friends. The whole class is my friend, but my best friends are Daisy, Keisha and Emily. They are so nice, always making jokes or helping me out with my work. I could never of asked for better friends.

Number 2... Socializing. At lunch and morning tea I am always out with my friends talking (I love to talk. My friends find it annoying) about our day. Also, socializing is healthy for the body. It gives you energy and can really pull at your emotions sometimes. But it is fun!

Number 1...(Drum roll please) Learning! I am a year 8, and I have no idea how my brain can hold so much knowledge. That's the whole point of school. But others think that it is boring, but it isn't. My mum always says that if I didn't go to school, that I would be dumb and end up being in a job that I wouldn't like. I would hate for that to happen...

So thank you for reading. I hope you consider coming to our school. We would love more people to meet!!! :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Zane Saw David Tua's Village in Samoa

For u who dont kno David Tua he is the one who knocked out Shane Cameron in the 2nd round in boxing. Proud to be a Samoan

A Samoan Turtle By Zane:]


Talofa this is what i went down in Samoa everybodys

Story of Two Cool People

Once upon a time, there were two people named ****** and *****. They were very awesome people. The one named ***** was really called Daisy. And the one named ****** was really named Elanor. They go to Ramarama School ( the most awesome school in the world). Their mums are called ***** and ***. They take them to school. Their dads are called ***** and *****. They sit around all day playing on the computer or working. We have brothers and sisters called ******,****** and ***** and ******. They are annoying. But Daisy and Elanor want you to come to Ramarama school because the people there are AWESOME and so are the teachers. Bye.

Kate's Blog Spot

Hey I'm Kate i go to Ramarama School and i am in room 7 and a year 8.My teacher is awesome and she is Mrs Way and soooooo is our Principal Mr Mc Neil.

We currently have a Student teacher from Auckland University and her name is Miss Koperu she is the bomb!!but i beat her in speed a card game which is really cool.Miss Koperu beat me once. SHE ROCKS!!

I am currently applying to be a student Leader and i am in the Horticultural Group at school.WE have 9 teachers a teacher aide and a secretary.

I love dancing and i go to Stewart Dance Studios and do Jazz and ballet performing group solos and theatre.


Hiii ma name is Zane i love eating

About me

Hi, My name is Courtstar. I listen to 94.2. My favourite colour is Purple.
I like Chocolate. I really like Candy Floss, because it is nice and full of sugar.

I am in year 8. Sometimes, I wish I could be a Vampire, so I wouldn't sleep, that would be cool.

The Twlight Saga, Is awesome. I love the Blood and Guts in the movies. The movies are awesome!I can't wait for the next movies.

Room 7

Room Seven, is a cool class, with lots of Funny Kids, around lots of the times. The girls like to walk around in groups, with their friends, while the boys like to play four square.

About Us

Jordan and Jayden say: school at ramarama is really cool. Our favourite subjects are art, P.E., social studies and writing



School is cool and my favourite subject is P.E

And my other favourite thing at school is eating at lunch time;] and playing touch because my team always wins:]

From Zane

Eva's Blog Spot

Hiya my name is Eva, I attend Ramarama School and am currently in Yr 7. My friends include Kate, Katie, Leah, Ella, Amy, Kiah, Lucia, Amy C, Lydia, Beth, Poppy, Lissie and others... Our teacher is called Mrs Way and we also have a trainee teacher called Miss Koperu they are awesome! What else should I say??? Hmmmm. I don't know s goodbye have a nice day.